Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sometimes it's nice to look at the world from a different perspective; I have chosen the upside-down perspective

Part 3 (the final chapter) of the #inversionsmakeyouhot challenge is coming soon! I'm having some technical difficulties uploading the photos and video, so please bear with me.
 Until then, I have a sped-up video of headstand with leg variations.  Enjoy!

Did you know, any yoga inversion can boost your mood?  Next time your feeling low on energy or down in the dumps, try a downward-facing dog or handstand to increase your endorphins.  Trust me, after spending two hours unsuccessfully uploading photos for todays post, I was a little frustrated (to put it mildly).  Doing this headstand helped me from becoming overly stressed-out about things that I am unable to control.  To me, yoga practice is always a nice reminder of how to let go of things and poses that aren't ready to happen and how to embrace and enjoy the things that come easily and naturally.  Yoga is a way to look at things from a different perspective; today's perspective is upside-down.

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