Day 16: Bound Arm Headstand |
Day 17: Handstand with Eagle Legs |
Day 18: Viparita Shalabhasana |
Day 19: Funky Dolphin |
Day 20: Headstand Embryo
Day 21: Scorpion Handstand
Day 22: Tripod Headstand Transition
Day 23: Grasshopper Pose |
Day 24: Headstand with Lotus Legs |
Day 25: Baby Bakasana |
Day 26: Tripod Headstand to Side Crow Pose
Day 27: Wide-Leg Handstand |
Day 28: Toe Tap (much harder than it looks!) |
After participating in my first Instagram Yoga Challenge, I have become addicted. I'm doing another challenge this month, called Invert Yo Self March (#invertyoselfmarch). If you have an instagram, you can follow me: @seawhit if not, I'll try to keep you posted through the blog :)
So, the final question I must answer: Do inversions really make you hot? Personally, I did become better and more confident in my inversions over the past month. This challenged encouraged me to try things I had never done before and be consistent in my practice. I do feel stronger (which probably translates as "hotter" to most people). So, I guess the answer is yes #inversionsmakeyouhot. They also make you more energetic, boost endorphins which make you happier, and enhance balance and arm strength. As with anything, know your limits, have fun, and don't forget to breathe!
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