Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hot Buddhi Yoga

Hot Buddhi (pronounce 'booty') yoga will be featured at the Crest Fitness Monday, July 29th at 6:30.  Just $10 to participate if you're not a member!

The Crest is located at 1962 Eastwood Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy July 4th!

Don't forget to stay hydrated today.  I made a Red, White, and Blueberry water (just put a few sliced strawberries and some blueberries in a Mason jar, muddle, and add cold water; wait 2-3 hours).
Infused water is one of the easiest recipes to get creative with.
Here's a few of my favorites:
Raspberry and Lime
Orange and Vanilla Bean
Mint and Watermelon